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By-elections 2014: Where do the candidates stand on animal cruelty?
08 October 2014
Before voting in the Dublin South-West and Roscommon-South Leitrim by-elections this Friday, check out our guide to the candidates and where they stand on animal cruelty issues. The polls will open on 10th October at 7am and close at 10pm.
Dublin South-West by-election
Paul Murphy (Socialist Party/Anti-Austerity Alliance)
As an MEP Paul Murphy was active on many animal welfare issues at European Level. He highlighted the plight of the Galgos in Spain, banning the fur trade, etc
"The issue of the fishing of bluefin tuna is an issue that has come up in the European Parliament. Paul Murphy MEP and the Socialist Party oppose the fishing of bluefin tuna and have always taken a position of voting for measures to end the practice of fishing this endangered species. In the next period as the budget and the Common Fisheries Policy is debated in the Parliament you can be assured of Paul Murphy's support for the protection of Bluefin tuna." From a letter to ICABS from the office of Paul Murphy MEP, 13 August 2012.
The campaign against hare coursing "is a campaign that [Paul Murphy MEP] fully supports". from an email from Paul Murphy MEP's office, February 2012.
Signed a Eurogroup for Animals animal welfare pledge, including "I will strive to ensure that animals are recognised as sentient beings in all legislation that comes before the Parliament and strive to ensure all existing animal welfare related legislation is properly enforced..."
Cllr Francis Duffy (Green Party, South Dublin County Council)
"I am against cruelty to animals in all contexts. I would like to see higher standards of animal welfare in farming, harsher sentences for those who commit crimes against animals in a domestic context, and an end to the farming of animals for their fur. The law as it stands is wholly inadequate in dealing with crimes against animals and, if elected, I would support any legislation that improves standards in animal welfare." from an email to ICABS, October 2014.
Cllr Pamela Kearns (Labour Party, South Dublin County Council)
"I am against any cruelty to animals." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.
Other candidates:
Cllr Nicky Coules (People Before Profit Alliance), Senator Cáit Keane (Fine Gael), Cllr John Lahart (Fianna Fail), Cllr Cathal King (Sinn Fein), Declan Burke (Independent), Colm O'Keeffe (Independent), Ronan McMahon (Independent), Tony Rochford (Independent).
Roscommon-South Leitrim by-election
Cllr Des Guckian (Independent)
"Yes, I favour a ban on both hare coursing and foxhunting" in an email to ICABS, October 2014.
Cllr Ivan Connaughton (Fianna Fail)
Cllr Ivan Connaughton, an Athleague-based auctioneer, issued a description for a property which included the following: "There is excellent hunting locally with the Galway Blazers, the Birmingham, East Galway and North Galway hunts." Photos of hunters on horseback alongside a pack of hounds were included in the property brochure. Another property listing on Connaughton Auctioneers website states: "this is a fine property to come on the market holding huge potential in an area well known and regarded for outdoor activities including fishing and hunting".
Senator John Kelly (Labour Party)
In 2013, Dunnes Stores banned animal groups from fundraising at its stores. Despite complaints and protests, Dunnes Stores refused to reveal the reasons for its deplorable decision to reject groups who are working hard to try and alleviate the suffering of animals across Ireland. Labour Party Senator, John Kelly, raised the issue in Seanad Eireann on 12th February 2013 and called for answers. Watch his Senate speech at http://youtu.be/Y14Q7NYKNxU
Cllr Martin Kenny (Sinn Fein, Leitrim County Council)
At a June 2010 meeting of Leitrim County Council, Cllr Kenny presented a motion in support of pro-bloodsports group, RISE: "I propose that Leitrim County Council notes the increasing level of popular support being expressed for the RISE (Rural Ireland Says Enough) campaign and shares the concerns it is highlighting, over legislation currently being proposed by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley TD. This Council calls on the Government to listen to the concerns being expressed by those who engage in hunting..." The minutes of the meeting detail that Councillor Kenny claimed he is totally against cruelty to animals but that he went on to express opposition to legislation "if activities such as pheasant shooting, activities of the South Leitrim Harriers etc are curtailed or prevented."
Other candidates:
Cllr Maura Hopkins (Fine Gael), Emmett Corcoran (Independent), Tom Crosby (Independent), Michael Fitzmaurice (Independent), John McDermott (Independent) and Gerry O'Boyle (Independent).
Videos: Ireland's bloodsports cruelty
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