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Companies urged to scrap discounts for wildlife killers
13 August 2014
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is calling on Vodafone, Volkswagen, Bord Gais and other companies to stop offering discounts to those involved in some of Ireland's worst acts of cruelty to animals.
Vodafone, Volkswagen, Bord Gais, Goodbody Stockbrokers, FBD Insurance, Stena, Irish Country Hotels, Carlton Hotels, VHI, Bus Eireann as well as Dublin Zoo and the Mater Private Hospital are all being urged to withdraw their discounts for members of IFA Countryside.
All have been informed that IFA Countryside - a branch of the Irish Farmers Association - defends "field sports and country pursuits", including foxhunting and terrierwork. An IFA Countryside chairman is on record as saying that hunters should "sign up to an organization such as the IFA Countryside which will fight for the future of field sports in this country."
In our correspondence to the companies, ICABS stated: "We are confident that the vast majority of Irish citizens who oppose bloodsports would agree that it is entirely inappropriate for you to offer discounts to those involved in animal cruelty - either directly or through a group such as IFA Countryside which defends this cruelty. We call on you to show compassion for Irish wildlife and immediately withdraw these discounts."
We went on to outline the suffering being caused to Irish wildlife by those engaged in bloodsports.
In foxhunting, foxes are chased to exhaustion by packs of up to 60 dogs and when caught, are torn apart.
Terrierwork involves sending terriers below ground to attack and corner foxes in their earths. Hunters then dig the clay away and drag out the injured and bleeding foxes before brutally killing them - barbarity which all animal welfare groups in Ireland oppose.
Also flagged was IFA Countryside's connection to the cruel bloodsport of hare coursing (they offered an insurance package which included coursing) and its shameful defence of carted deer hunting (involving the use of a pack of dogs to chase domesticated deer).
Please join us in urging the companies in question to show compassion for wildlife and immediately withdraw the discounts. Click the link to send an email to all or scroll down to get individual contact details for each.
The discounts offered to IFA Countryside members:
FBD Insurance | €35 discount |
Volkswagen | €250 off Finance Packages |
Dublin Zoo | 20% discount |
Irish Country Hotels | 25% off |
Stena Line | 15% discount |
Mater Private Hospital | 12% discount |
Goodbody Stockbrokers | save up to 50% |
Vodafone | Save up to 240 euro |
Bord Gais Energy | Discounted benefit |
Carlton Hotel Group | Exclusive savings |
VHI | 10% discount |
Bus Eireann | 15% off family tickets |
Please urge Vodafone, Volkswagen, Bord Gais, Goodbody Stockbrokers, FBD Insurance, Stena, Irish Country Hotels, Carlton Hotels, VHI, Bus Eireann, Dublin Zoo and Mater Private Hospital to withdraw their discounts for members of IFA Countryside.
Click the link to send an email to all or scroll down to get individual contact details for each.
Sign and share our petition:
Irish Companies - Scrap your animal cruelty discounts
FBD Holdings plc
FBD House, Bluebell, Dublin 12.
Email: company.secretary@fbd.ie
Tel: 01 409 3200 or Lo-call 1890 617 617
Tweet to @fbd_ie
Volkswagen Ireland
Block C, Liffey Valley Office Campus, Dublin 22
Tel. 1850 81 2761 / +353 1 619 3604
Email: vwcustomerservice@vwgi.ie,Simon.Elliott@volkswagen.ie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/vwireland
Tweet to @VolkswagenIE
Dublin Zoo
Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
Tel: +353 (0)1 4748900
Email: info@dublinzoo.ie
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DublinZoo
Tweet to @DublinZoo
Irish Country Hotels
1 Sandyford Office Park, Foxrock, Dublin 18
Email: info@irishcountryhotels.com
Tel: Locall 0818 281 281 / +353 1 2958900
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/irishcountryhotels
Tweet to @irishcountryhtl
Stena Line
The Ferry Terminal, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin
Email: feedback@stenaline.com
Tel: 01 204 7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StenaLineUKIE
Tweet to @StenaLineUK
Anne O'Leary
CEO, Vodafone Ireland
Email: anne.oleary@vodafone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vodafoneireland
Tweet to @VodafoneIreland
Bord Gais Energy
PO Box 10943, Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 233 5101
Email: mmcnicholas@bordgais.ie,info@bordgais.ie
Leave a comment on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BordGaisEnergy
Tweet to @BordGaisEnergy
Mater Private
Eccles St, Dublin
Tel 01 885 8888
Fax 01 885 8541
Email: info@materprivate.ie
Goodbody Stockbrokers
Ballsbridge Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Tel: +353 1 667 0400
Email: goodbody@goodbody.ie
Carlton Hotel Group
Old Airport Road, Cloghran, Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin
Email: info.dublin@carlton.ie,econnolly@carlton.ie
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carlton-Hotel-Group/93162827921?v=wall
Tweet to @CarltonHotels
Vhi Healthcare
IDA Business Park, Purcellsinch, Dublin Road, Kilkenny
Email: info@vhics.ie
Tel: 1890 44 44 44 / :+353 56 775 3200
Bus Eireann
Busáras, Store Street, Dublin 1.
Email: info@buseireann.ie
Tel: (01) 8366111
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/buseireann
Tweet to @buseireanndeals
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