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Snared fox was "crying like a child"
30 May 2014

A fox found "crying like a child" was rescued and released from a cruel wire snare. The fox was discovered by a man out walking his dog and on seeing the distressed creature, he called his son for help.

The son rushed to the scene with a pliers and proceeded to free the fox.

"The fox was crying like a child in pain," he told ICABS. "I snipped at the wire which was wound around the fox's abdomen behind his front paws. He was biting at us and took my glove off my left hand. This kept him busy as we manoeuvred his sodden and bloody fur away from the wire. Eventually the pliers snapped the wire and the fox ran away. He headed to some bushes and could be seen for about 10 minutes before vanishing."

ICABS commends these two men for their compassionate response to the desperate plight of this fox and for saving the creature from suffering and certain death. We have brought the incident to the attention of Agriculture Minister, Simon Coveney, as part of an appeal to ban snares in Ireland.


Email "Stop the suffering. Ban Snares" to Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney -

Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Tweet: @simoncoveney

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