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Renewed appeal to cricket club to stop using coursing field
04 June 2015

ICABS is renewing an appeal to Dundalk Cricket Club to stop sharing a field with a coursing club. The call follows revelations that three hares had to be put down by a vet after suffering injuries at the Dundalk & Dowdallshill coursing meeting last December.

According to documents obtained by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports, 8 hares were hit by greyhounds at the meeting. Three hares were euthanised by vet as a result of the injuries suffered.

Dundalk Cricket Club has previously been criticised for disregarding the suffering of hares and choosing a coursing field as its home ground. The club has been told that its playing field is a killing field where defenceless hares are used as live bait for greyhounds to chase.

Details of the latest victims of coursing at the cricket club grounds have been brought to the attention of club secretary, Derek Turner, along with a renewed appeal for the club to choose a different field.


Join us in our appeal to Dundalk Cricket Club to show compassion for Irish wildlife and stop sharing a field with cruel coursers.

Derek Turner
Dundalk Cricket Club
Dundalk, Co Louth.

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PREVIOUSLY: Cricket club urged to abandon coursing field
19 September 2013

A Louth cricket club is being criticised for disregarding the suffering of hares and choosing a coursing field as its home ground. Dundalk Cricket Club has been told that its playing field is a killing field where unleashed greyhounds have fatally mauled hares.

According to a report in the Dundalk Democrat earlier this month, Dundalk & Dowdallshill hare coursing club has a "very good relationship" with Dundalk Cricket Club.

An interviewed hare courser is asked how cricket came to be played on the coursing field and he outlines that "Mickey Heeney was our secretary at the time and was working with Brian Morris, chairman of the cricket club, in the DkIT. They got talking and following an inspection of our facilities a deal was agreed."

"We have a very good relationship," he added. "We don’t use the ground during the summer months when cricket is played. They keep the place tidy, and mowing the grass strengthens it."

ICABS has told the Leinster Cricket Union-affiliated club about the cruelty of hare coursing and pointed out that at the Dundalk & Dowdallshill coursing field, hares have been hit and killed.

"We appeal to Dundalk Cricket Club to recognise the cruelty of hare coursing and the inappropriateness of choosing a coursing field as a home ground," we stated. "Please show compassion for the hares that are terrorised at this location and choose a different field for your sport."


Join us in our appeal to Dundalk Cricket Club to disassociate from hare coursing and choose a different field.

Mr Derek Turner
Dundalk Cricket Club
Dundalk, Co Louth.

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A Dundalk Cricket Club tweet announcing their home ground as being in the hare coursing field.

Videos: Ireland's hare coursing cruelty

Witness the cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland in our Youtube video playlist which shows hares being hit and mauled.

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