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28 March 2013

March 27th 2013 marked another dark day for Irish animals as a majority of TDs shamefully piled in to Dail Eireann to vote against Animal Welfare Bill amendments which sought to remove exemptions for hare coursing and fox hunting.

Read a transcript of yesterday's Dail debate below.

Hunting with hounds and hare coursing are inherently cruel activities which the vast majority of Irish people want ended. Foxhunting and coursing have been outlawed in England, Scotland and Wales, with Northern Ireland banning coursing two years ago, leaving our Republic as the last outpost for this barbarism, and this barbarism will continue, courtesy of our legislators who clearly lack the courage to stand up to the hunting bullies.

In foxhunting, foxes are pursued to exhaustion by packs of hounds, followed by people on horseback, and when caught, the fox is ripped apart by the pack of trained hounds. Foxes are also dug out of the ground and terriers are used to attack them, resulting in appalling injuries to both dogs and foxes, evidence of which we sent to every Minister, TD and Senator, but which most chose to turn a blind eye to.

In coursing, hares are snatched from the wild in nets and used as live lures before greyhounds. They can be struck and mauled by the muzzled dogs, resulting in injury and death, as confirmed by annual National Parks reports obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. We also have recent footage of hares being mauled at a coursing meeting in Limerick, the so-called JP McManus Irish Cup, which our legislators have also disregarded.

There is a humane alternative to hare coursing, drag coursing, which we filmed at Killarney recently, so there’s no excuse for the cruelty of live lure coursing. Again we sent this to all members of the Oireachtas.

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is more determined than ever to continue campaigning until the day coursing and foxhunting are finally banned. Yesterday, Deputies Clare Daly and Maureen O’Sullivan reiterated their pledge to bring a Private Member’s Bill to outlaw hare coursing during the life-time of this present government. With your help, we will continue lobbying TDs to recognise the cruelty of bloodsports and the damage they do to Ireland's reputation and urge them to back a ban.

Watch the RTE Six One News report | Listen to the Drivetime radio report

Dail Debate: Animal Health and Welfare Bill 2012
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Read the full debate transcript

VIDEOS: Animal Health and Welfare Bill Debate
Dail Eireann, March 27th 2013

Foxhunting, terrierwork, digging out, ferreting, badger culling, wild animals in circuses

Hare Coursing

Fur farming

VIDEOS: TDs speaking out against cruelty to animals

A big thank you to Deputies Maureen O'Sullivan, Clare Daly and Patrick Nulty for speaking out against animal cruelty and to the TDs who voted in favour of the amendments.


Contact all your local TDs now. If they voted against the amendments, express your disappointment and urge them to reconsider their stance when Maureen O'Sullivan and Clare Daly TD present a Private Members Bill in the future. Remind them about the cruelty of foxhunting and hare coursing and how their voting against the amendments paves the way for more suffering, injury and death. If your local TD voted in favour of the amendment, please take the time to thank them.

Email TDs quickly and easily from

Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses.

If you prefer to post a letter to your TDs, address your correspondence to:
Dáil Éireann
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.

Appeal to the Minister for Agriculture

Please appeal to the Minister for Agriculture to remove an exemption for coursing and hunting from the new Animal Welfare Bill and to permanently ban bloodsports.

Simon Coveney, TD
Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.

Urgently contact An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and An Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore (both of whom have expressed opposition to coursing in the past). Ask them to back a ban on blood sports.

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street,
Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6194020
Fax: 01-6764048

An Tanaiste, Eamon Gilmore
Office of the Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Iveagh House,
80 St. Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2.
Tel: 01 6183566 (Dail)
Tel: 01 408 2000 (Iveagh House)
Fax: 01 408 2400

How they voted: Who voted for and against the amendments?

Important amendments to the Animal Health and Welfare Bill were put forward by Deputies Maureen O'Sullivan and Clare Daly. The amendments sought to secure a ban on some of Ireland's worst acts of cruelty to animals - foxhunting, hare coursing, digging out, terrierwork, etc. Sadly, a majority of TDs rejected the amendments, paving the way for wildlife suffering to continue.

Thank you to the following 13 TDs who supported an amendment to the Animal Health and Welfare Bill which sought to outlaw hare coursing in Ireland. The amendment was defeated when 102 other TDs voted against it.

The 13 TDs who voted in support of the amendment:

Boyd Barrett, Richard.
Broughan, Thomas P.
Collins, Joan.
Daly, Clare.
Donnelly, Stephen S.
Grealish, Noel.
Higgins, Joe.
McGrath, Finian.
Murphy, Catherine.
Nulty, Patrick.
O'Sullivan, Maureen.
Shortall, Róisín.
Wallace, Mick.

The 102 TDs who shamefully voted against the amendment.

Bannon, James.
Barry, Tom.
Breen, Pat.
Bruton, Richard.
Burton, Joan.
Butler, Ray.
Buttimer, Jerry.
Byrne, Catherine.
Byrne, Eric.
Calleary, Dara.
Carey, Joe.
Colreavy, Michael.
Conaghan, Michael.
Conlan, Seán.
Connaughton, Paul J.
Coonan, Noel.
Costello, Joe.
Coveney, Simon.
Creed, Michael.
Creighton, Lucinda.
Crowe, Seán.
Daly, Jim.
Deenihan, Jimmy.
Deering, Pat.
Doherty, Pearse.
Doherty, Regina.
Donohoe, Paschal.
Dowds, Robert.
Doyle, Andrew.
Durkan, Bernard J.
Ellis, Dessie.
Farrell, Alan.
Feighan, Frank.
Ferris, Anne.
Ferris, Martin.
Fitzgerald, Frances.
Fitzpatrick, Peter.
Flanagan, Charles.
Flanagan, Terence.
Griffin, Brendan.
Harrington, Noel.
Harris, Simon.
Hayes, Tom.
Healy, Seamus.
Healy-Rae, Michael.
Heydon, Martin.
Hogan, Phil.
Humphreys, Heather.
Humphreys, Kevin.
Kehoe, Paul.
Kelly, Alan.
Kenny, Seán.
Kitt, Michael P.
Kyne, Seán.
Lawlor, Anthony.
Lowry, Michael.
Lyons, John.
Mac Lochlainn, Pádraig.
McConalogue, Charlie.
McGinley, Dinny.
McGrath, Mattie.
McGrath, Michael.
McGuinness, John.
McLellan, Sandra.
McLoughlin, Tony.
McNamara, Michael.
Maloney, Eamonn.
Mitchell, Olivia.
Mitchell O'Connor, Mary.
Mulherin, Michelle.
Murphy, Dara.
Nash, Gerald.
Neville, Dan.
Nolan, Derek.
Ó Caoláin, Caoimhghín.
Ó Ríordáin, Aodhán.
Ó Snodaigh, Aengus.
O'Brien, Jonathan.
O'Donnell, Kieran.
O'Donovan, Patrick.
O'Dowd, Fergus.
O'Mahony, John.
O'Reilly, Joe.
O'Sullivan, Jan.
Perry, John.
Phelan, Ann.
Phelan, John Paul.
Pringle, Thomas.
Rabbitte, Pat.
Reilly, James.
Ring, Michael.
Ryan, Brendan.
Spring, Arthur.
Stagg, Emmet.
Stanley, Brian.
Stanton, David.
Timmins, Billy.
Varadkar, Leo.
Wall, Jack.
Walsh, Brian.
White, Alex.

Thank you to the following 13 TDs who supported an amendment to the Animal Health and Welfare Bill which sought to outlaw fox hunting, terrierwork, digging out, ferreting, badger culling and the use of animals in circus performances. The amendment was defeated when 108 other TDs voted against it.

The 13 TDs who voted in support of the amendment:

Boyd Barrett, Richard.
Broughan, Thomas P..
Collins, Joan.
Daly, Clare.
Donnelly, Stephen S..
Grealish, Noel.
Higgins, Joe.
McGrath, Finian.
Murphy, Catherine.
Nulty, Patrick.
O'Sullivan, Maureen.
Shortall, Róisín.
Wallace, Mick.

The 108 TDs who shamefully voted against the amendment.

Bannon, James.
Barry, Tom.
Breen, Pat.
Bruton, Richard.
Burton, Joan.
Butler, Ray.
Buttimer, Jerry.
Byrne, Catherine.
Byrne, Eric.
Calleary, Dara.
Carey, Joe.
Colreavy, Michael.
Conaghan, Michael.
Conlan, Seán.
Connaughton, Paul J..
Coonan, Noel.
Costello, Joe.
Coveney, Simon.
Creighton, Lucinda.
Crowe, Seán.
Daly, Jim.
Deenihan, Jimmy.
Deering, Pat.
Doherty, Pearse.
Doherty, Regina.
Donohoe, Paschal.
Dowds, Robert.
Doyle, Andrew.
Durkan, Bernard J..
Ellis, Dessie.
Farrell, Alan.
Feighan, Frank.
Ferris, Anne.
Ferris, Martin.
Fitzgerald, Frances.
Fitzpatrick, Peter.
Flanagan, Terence.
Griffin, Brendan.
Harrington, Noel.
Harris, Simon.
Hayes, Tom.
Healy, Seamus.
Healy-Rae, Michael.
Heydon, Martin.
Hogan, Phil.
Howlin, Brendan.
Humphreys, Heather.
Humphreys, Kevin.
Kehoe, Paul.
Kelly, Alan.
Kenny, Enda.
Kenny, Seán.
Kitt, Michael P..
Kyne, Seán.
Lawlor, Anthony.
Lowry, Michael.
Lynch, Ciarán.
Lynch, Kathleen.
Lyons, John.
Mac Lochlainn, Pádraig.
Maloney, Eamonn.
McConalogue, Charlie.
McDonald, Mary Lou.
McGinley, Dinny.
McGrath, Mattie.
McGrath, Michael.
McGuinness, John.
McLellan, Sandra.
McLoughlin, Tony.
McNamara, Michael.
Mitchell, Olivia.
Mitchell O'Connor, Mary.
Mulherin, Michelle.
Murphy, Dara.
Nash, Gerald.
Neville, Dan.
Nolan, Derek.
Ó Caoláin, Caoimhghín.
Ó Cuív, Éamon.
Ó Fearghaíl, Seán.
Ó Ríordáin, Aodhán.
Ó Snodaigh, Aengus.
O'Brien, Jonathan.
O'Donnell, Kieran.
O'Donovan, Patrick.
O'Dowd, Fergus.
O'Mahony, John.
O'Reilly, Joe.
O'Sullivan, Jan.
Perry, John.
Phelan, Ann.
Phelan, John Paul.
Pringle, Thomas.
Rabbitte, Pat.
Reilly, James.
Ring, Michael.
Ryan, Brendan.
Spring, Arthur.
Stagg, Emmet.
Stanley, Brian.
Stanton, David.
Timmins, Billy.
Twomey, Liam.
Varadkar, Leo.
Wall, Jack.
Walsh, Brian.
White, Alex.

Thank you to the following 14 TDs who supported an amendment to the Animal Health and Welfare Bill which sought to outlaw fur farming in Ireland. The amendment was defeated when 106 other TDs voted against it.

The 14 TDs who voted in support of the amendment:

Boyd Barrett, Richard.
Broughan, Thomas P.
Collins, Joan.
Daly, Clare.
Donnelly, Stephen S.
Flanagan, Luke 'Ming'.
Grealish, Noel.
Higgins, Joe.
McGrath, Finian.
Naughten, Denis.
Nulty, Patrick.
O'Sullivan, Maureen.
Shortall, Róisín.
Wallace, Mick.

The 106 TDs who shamefully voted against the amendment.

Bannon, James.
Breen, Pat.
Bruton, Richard.
Burton, Joan.
Butler, Ray.
Buttimer, Jerry.
Byrne, Catherine.
Byrne, Eric.
Calleary, Dara.
Cannon, Ciarán
Carey, Joe.
Coffey, Paudie.
Collins, Niall.
Colreavy, Michael.
Conaghan, Michael.
Conlan, Seán.
Connaughton, Paul J.
Conway, Ciara.
Costello, Joe.
Coveney, Simon.
Cowen, Barry.
Creed, Michael.
Crowe, Seán.
Daly, Jim.
Deasy, John.
Deering, Pat.
Doherty, Pearse.
Doherty, Regina.
Donohoe, Paschal.
Dooley, Timmy.
Doyle, Andrew.
Durkan, Bernard J.
Ellis, Dessie.
Farrell, Alan.
Feighan, Frank.
Ferris, Anne.
Ferris, Martin.
Fitzgerald, Frances.
Flanagan, Charles.
Flanagan, Terence.
Gilmore, Eamon.
Griffin, Brendan.
Hannigan, Dominic.
Harrington, Noel.
Harris, Simon.
Hayes, Brian.
Hayes, Tom.
Healy, Seamus.
Healy-Rae, Michael.
Heydon, Martin.
Hogan, Phil.
Humphreys, Kevin.
Kehoe, Paul.
Kelleher, Billy.
Kelly, Alan.
Kenny, Seán.
Kirk, Seamus.
Kyne, Seán.
Lawlor, Anthony.
Lynch, Kathleen.
Lyons, John.
Mac Lochlainn, Pádraig.
McConalogue, Charlie.
McGinley, Dinny.
McGrath, Mattie.
McGrath, Michael.
McLellan, Sandra.
McLoughlin, Tony.
McNamara, Michael.
Maloney, Eamonn.
Mitchell, Olivia.
Mitchell O'Connor, Mary.
Moynihan, Michael.
Mulherin, Michelle.
Murphy, Dara.
Nash, Gerald.
Neville, Dan.
Nolan, Derek.
Noonan, Michael.
Ó Cuív, Éamon.
Ó Fearghaíl, Seán.
Ó Ríordáin, Aodhán.
Ó Snodaigh, Aengus.
O'Brien, Jonathan.
O'Donnell, Kieran.
O'Donovan, Patrick.
O'Mahony, John.
O'Reilly, Joe.
O'Sullivan, Jan.
Perry, John.
Phelan, Ann.
Phelan, John Paul.
Pringle, Thomas.
Ring, Michael.
Ryan, Brendan.
Smith, Brendan.
Spring, Arthur.
Stagg, Emmet.
Stanley, Brian.
Stanton, David.
Timmins, Billy.
Twomey, Liam.
Varadkar, Leo.
Wall, Jack.
Walsh, Brian.
White, Alex.

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